Will Podcasting Be Dead In 2023? 😵

The podcast industry has gone for a wild ride in 2022. Will it continue in 2023?

Hey, hi, how ya doing? Hope you all had an amazing holiday weekend! We're back at it today talking about the future of podcasting, how to become luckier, and more!

Now, let's get into it! 👇

Will Podcasting Be Dead In 2023? 😵

It's been a wild ride for the podcast industry in recent years. We've seen major corporate investment, mainstream success, and predictions of a booming $4 billion market by 2024. But, as with any industry, we've also seen some ups and downs.

This year, it feels like podcasting has come back down to earth a bit. The economy has been uncertain, leading to slower growth and tighter advertising budgets. BUT what does the future hold for podcasting in 2023?

Well, it all depends on the state of the economy. If things keep chugging along without any major downturns, we can expect to see more of the same - slowing but manageable growth. If there's a recession, it could set the industry back. Advertising is particularly sensitive to economic disruption, and businesses may prioritize other expenses over marketing when times are tough. And according to some experts, there's about a 70% chance of a recession in the next year.

Despite these challenges, it's not all doom and gloom for podcasting. Ad revenue is still expected to grow by 28.8% in 2023 (according to eMarketer), which is about half the growth rate we saw in 2021, but it's still growth. Plus, the success of podcasts also depends on the quality and diversity of content and the ability to monetize it.

So, to sum it up, the future of podcasting in 2023 is looking a bit uncertain, but as long as you can adapt and continue to offer killer content, you'll be just fine. So, hang in there, podcasters!

"Hi, I'm A TikTok Tutor"🙋‍♀️

With the rise of influencer marketing and all those creator dollars floating around, it's no surprise that lots of people are eager to get in on the action and become influencers themselves. But how exactly do you go about becoming a successful TikTok influencer?

Well, that's where the TikTok tutors come in. These are professionals who are establishing careers by teaching others how to make appealing TikTok content (rather than making it themselves). Taylor Loren is one such tutor, who leads a virtual class of around 8,300 students and focuses on teaching social media strategy. And Skyler Chase offers courses on Skillshare and Udemy. In fact, Skillshare has experienced a 66% year-over-year increase in TikTok-related courses, and Udemy has seen three times the growth of TikTok courses compared to Instagram and YouTube.

But it's not just TikTok that's getting attention from educators. YouTube star MrBeast has partnered with East Carolina University to establish a program that trains creators in various roles. So if you're looking to become a TikTok influencer (or just want to up your content game on any platform), it looks like more and more resources will continue to become available to help you.

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Video Of The Day 🎥

It's easy to chalk successful content creators up as being lucky. But there are evidence-based ways that you can increase your luck in life. AND here they are! Watch this video to become luckier... 👇

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