MrBeast Teams Up With Hans Zimmer 🎵

MrBeast's new video, changes to Twitter's view counts, and MORE!

Howdy! Somehow MrBeast scored a score from the greatest scorer in all of film scoring. Say that 10 times fast.

Now, let's talk about it!

Hans Zimmer Scored MrBeast's Latest Video 🎵

Here's the story

MrBeast spent 50 hours in Antarctica with other popular content creators, like Dream. Watch the video here... 👇

For such an epic video idea, MrBeast wanted scoring from the best of the best. We're talking the guy who scored the original Lion King and Gladiator and Interstellar and about 150 other major films. Yes, Hans Zimmer! Zimmer said that working on the score was a "crazy" challenge, as is typical for MrBeast videos.

What does this mean for creators?

The bar just keeps rising as far as quality goes, especially for top creators, like MrBeast. But, don't let this deter you from creating the content you know you can create. MrBeast has a huge team and multiple mullions of dollars in video budget.

When you see over-the-top videos, like this, with unheard of calloborations, it's easy to get discouraged. But in this game of content creation, it's not you vs. MrBeast. It's you vs. your last video. Continue to improve video to video and maybe you can be working with the best film score composer of our lifetime!

Twitter Views Are Getting Terrible Backlash 👀

Have you noticed the new tweet view counts on Twitter? Yeah, us too. And we all can agree, the placement is dumb... 👇

It's just too much information all jumbled together, you know? And let's be real, seeing those view counts first and foremost is kind of a bummer. It's like, oh great, a few thousand people saw my tweet but no one cared enough to give it a like. Not exactly a motivational boost.

But it looks like Twitter is listening to our complaints and working on an update. Designer Andrea Conway shared a sneak peek of an updated format that only shows view counts when you expand a tweet... 👇

It's still there if you want to see it, but it's not in your face all the time. And I'm with you, Elon – I don't think view counts are going to encourage more tweet creation and activity. If anything, it might just make us all feel a little self-conscious about our low engagement.

But hey, we'll have to wait and see what Twitter does with the feature. In the meantime, let's just keep tweeting and hope for the best.

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Creator Advice Of The Day 📝

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