Our 2023 YouTube Predictions 🔮

Shorts are here to stay... and MORE!

Howdy, y'all! Today, we're sharing our predictions for YouTube in 2023. There's been a lot of changes with the platform this year and we're sharing what we think will change next year.

Now, let's dive in! 👇

Our 2023 YouTube Predictions 🔮

2022 was a crazy year on YouTube and we think it will only get crazier in 2023. Here's why... 👇

1. Shorts are here to stay

YouTube Shorts will undergo significant changes and improvements, including new features and monetization options. Many popular creators will take Shorts more seriously and integrate them more closely with long-form content, such as by stitching long-form videos to Shorts.

There's a chance TikTok could get banned in the U.S. and if that's the case, YouTube Shorts will take TikTok's place as the king of short-form content.

No matter what, Shorts are here to stay.

2. YouTube dominates the podcast market

YouTube may begin to dominate the podcast market. You can see that they're already trying with their post "Join Our Community Of Podcasters."

YouTube may introduce standard background play - not just for Premium users - and other podcast-focused features. This could incentivize podcasters to use YouTube for distribution and creating clips.

If you are a podcaster, it makes sense to distribute your podcasts on a search-friendly platform that allows for organic reach.

3. "Be Consistent" is the wrong advice

The top advice for new Youtubers has always been to be consistent - stick to an upload schedule and don't deviate. BUT if you look at the top YouTubers, like MrBeast, Ryan Trahan, and Mark Rober, you'll notice that their post schedules aren't consistent.

Instead, they only post when they have a banger video. Obviously, what works for the top creators won't always work for smaller Youtubers. However, we can still take this as an indication of the direction the platform is heading.

We'll see more creators taking breaks to prevent burnout and posting content only when they feel that it is of high enough quality.

4. Some other predictions

  • Someone will go from 0 to 10M subscribers in 2023

  • MrBeast will reach 200M subscribers

  • More stripped down content will perform better

  • Vlogging will make a comeback

We'll check back one December 31, 2023 and let you know how we did! Feel free to hit reply and let us know your predictions.

Quick Clicks 💻

Inspiration Of The Day 🙌

Even if you videos don't perform well right away, there's still a chance for it to get picked up by the algorithm over time!

Hit reply and let us know what you thought of today's Viral Post.