Outdated YouTube Tips For 2023 🙅‍♂️

Channel Makers recently published a video on the top outdated YouTube tips.

Hey there! 2022 is coming to an end and so should some YouTube tips that continuously get regurgitated online.

Let's talk about it! 👇

Outdated YouTube Tips For 2023 🙅‍♂️

What happened?

Channel Makers recently published a video on the top outdated YouTube tips to stop doing in 2023... 👇

Outdated tips from the video

Chapters in your videos are necessary. Wrong. Chapters are not as important as it seems. They're simply there for organization purposes. Use them if you think they'll add to the viewer experience for your videos, but if not, they're not necessary and will not affect views.

There's one blueprint for "How To Grow On YouTube." Not true. YouTube is changing all the time. Therefore, how to grow on the platform is constantly changing. Adjust and experiment with your content. Continue to make it new and fresh.

Ask people to subscribe before getting into the video. Never do this. Provide the value first and then ask for the viewer to subscribe (if you feel you need to). The goal should be for your content to be good enough that the viewer wants to subscribe without you asking.

Our additional outdated tips

Put a YouTube channel intro on all your videos so that your audience recognizes it's your video. No. The first 30 seconds of your video is the most important to keep your audience watching. Therefore, you don't want to waste that valuable time with a 15 second montage of you. If you're going to put an intro in your videos, make it short with a distinguishable sound (like the Netflix load-up screen).

Ranking in search is how you win. It was for a while. It's not anymore. The recipe is always changing, but it seems a solid combination of YouTube Shorts and long-form content in addition to creating videos that people actually want to see is the best way to win right now.

Twitter's Newest CEO 👀

Meet the new CEO

Introducing... MrBeast - Twitter's newest CEO - who says he wants to "make it where creators actually want to post videos on Twitter and not just link to other platforms." 👇

What would this look like?

If Twitter were to become more like YouTube, it would likely involve the integration of much more videos and live streams. As Twitter is sort of a "quick hit and onto the next tweet" platform, vertical short video would likely perform best.

In a world where MrBeast runs Twitter, users would have the ability to upload and share short and long-form videos. The platform's interface and navigation would be modified to accommodate the inclusion of this type of content. Maybe we would see a specific video-only timeline.

It's worth noting that Twitter already allows users to share videos and participate in live streams to some extent, but very few do. So, what would be the real determining factor for whether or not creators "want to post videos on Twitter"? Money.

Twitter would need to pay a good amount to poach creators from YouTube and TikTok. If they can do that, having MrBeast as the CEO might be a good move to get creators posting videos on the platform.

Creator Advice Of The Day 📝

Keep this in mind when you try to learn new skills, like thumbnail design, video editing, scripting, podcasting, or whatever you want to do better in 2023!

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